Mentionable Course Projects

  • C: Dx-ball

    Using i-graphics (C graphics library which was made as final year project by a previous student) I made this game. This game had 5 levels and a scoring system. Used C's multithread for GUI render. The project can be downloaded from here .

  • Java: Blood Bank

    In this project I've used java FX, Net beans to make the GUI. Using this app blood donors are able to create account. Whenever someone request for blood (user can input amount of bags needed), all available blood donors will get notificaton through email. Donors last blood donation time will be updated accordinglya. When a blood donation is done, and if donors have donated the amout of bags requested, the case will be automatically closed. The project can be downloaded from here

  • Database: Hospital management

    Hospital management is a web app. It was a group project. I and my partner have used MySql and php for development. I've done the database part and some part of backend. We have list of doctors and other related information like, number of available seats visible to the user. Each of these doctors have a limited number of seats for patients. Users can take appointment from the doctors and doctors can suggest prescription. Doctors are able to view previous appointments.

  • Software Engineering I: FPS game

    I've used unreal engine 4.0 and blueprint to develop the game. I've used unreal engine's AI bots to create the environemtn and game level.

  • Software Engineering II: Travel Mate (Tour management)

    In this project we have build a web app using laravel and mySql. People will be able to search and book hotels and vehicles. We also included payment and checkout system. We used machine learning to build a recommendation system.

  • Miscellaneous: ARP cache poisoning, Arithmetic Logical Unit (ALU), 4 bit computer, Remote Controll Car using arduino, Environmental micro-organism segmentation etc.

Personal Projects

  • Zombie runner
  • Tower defence
  • Flappy bird Desktop
  • Chakma Handwritten Characters Recognition and Multipurpose Dataset
  • Multilingual machine translation for Chakma language