
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). ( - ) | CGPA: 3.30/4.00

Mentionable courses: Pattern Recognition, Artificial Intelligence, Fault tollerent system, High Performence Database, Data Structure and Algorithms I, Data Structure and Algorithms II, Concrete Math, Discrete Math, Software Engineering, Database.

Thesis: Study of Spanning Tree with maximum number of leaves.


Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). () - | CGPA: 3.75/4.00

Mentionable courses: Computer security, Neural Networks, Advanced digital image processsing, Programming langauages and systems, Bioinformatics, Wireless ad.hoc. networks.

Thesis: Chakma Handwritten Characters Recognition and Multipurpose Dataset.


Neural Networks and Deep learning
Sequence Models
Getting And Cleaning Data
R Programming
Structuring Machine Learning Projects
The Data Scientiest's Toolbox
Machine Learning
Introduction to Machine Learning
Deep Learning Specialization
Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperprameter tuning, Regularization and Normalization
Welcome to Game Theory
Image Data Augmentation in Kears
How to win a data science Competition: Learn from top Kagglers
Convolutional Neural Networks